Putting my scooter on center stand

I got my Yamaha Mio Soul i 115 January last year and although I was really looking forward to owning a scooter, little did I know the hardships that come with having one. One of those hardships is putting the scooter on center stand. Which I never was able to do on my own until today. It's really frustrating seeing boys lift up their bikes on center stand without much effort. And while I've tried to mimic how they do it, needless to say I have been far from being successful. There are even instances when I really need the tire of my bike off the ground and all I could do was look for a family male member or gentleman nearby and ask him to (please) put my bike on center stand. Being a female, no gentleman would turn me down ofcourse. But always at the back of my head, I believed it was ridiculous to go ask someone else to do that for me. Because why on earth would you buy something you don't know how to get around with, right?! For someone like me who never makes their gender an excuse for anything and who really, really hates asking for help, that's asking a lot.

What I did yesterday, which I should have done a long time ago, was turn to Google. Google. I mean, that's always, always my go to whenever I'm faced with problems I don't understand. It's so common sense, it should be common sense I feel so stupid for not doing it much sooner. On finally able to do it now... I mean, wow is it so easy! It doesn't take much strength after all.
Wash time is one of those few times I need my scooter up on its center stand and I finally got to do that today.

This video tutorial is what did me a solid:


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