Nocturnal nonsense

It's been almost 3 hours since I came home from a coffee night out with office friends and I'm still way up high. Imagine on the roof of this third floor that I'm currently in. Yes, that high. I'm not even just a tiny bit sleepy. I'm surprised of that caffeine I had affecting me now. It almost never does.

It's that time of the month for me too. Losing some red, I should really be sleeping already. But what can I do? Ain't sleepy.

It's good anyway. This way, I'll be able to hang around here instead. Besides, it's been awhile. 

And also I've been wanting to let you in on what I've been up to these past few weeks. 

Basically, I've been spending a lot of time online. A lot. Did I say a lot already? I'm serious. I'm crazy. I should probably start selling my online time haha. This is also the longest I've gone without reading a single book. 3-4 months? Too long. I still have the urge to buy books though. I mean, I don't see myself being able to resist books ever but I don't see how I'm going to have time to read either but still how do you resist books? These online activities of mine though..  LOL. Culprit: my phone + the Internet.

I'm looking forward to getting over this addiction so I can get back to my reading. But that's not happening soon so note to self: suck it! 

Secondly, I'm always home on weekends. But I'm not now. I'm house sitting. I'm feeling homesick already. Honest. I will be stuck here next weekend too for work. So yeah, it's gotten me sad.

Another thing I haven't told you about is that I recently had a slightly major change in my employment. Hence, some slightly major changes in my lifestyle. Said change has made me aware of the fact that I suck at handling money. Like all I know is to spend it and that's it. I have also been selfish especially since I've been more fortunate with money towards my family. I should be able to help more but I'm not doing that so far. And just writing that made me realize I got more than I'll be needing until the next pay and it kinda makes me want to send half of it to my mother. Okay, I'll do that tomorrow when I wake up, hopefully in the morning. (But who am I kidding? It's already the morning). 

I usually feel less guilty spending money after giving my family some. Curse of it is I'll probably spend all my half of it tomorrow as well cause then I can spend without feeling guilty about it. What is life? 

When will I be able to travel at this rate I'm going? Forgive me, dreams. I am just clueless about what to do with money besides spending it right here and now. Then act surprised whenever I run out of it which I always do now too. Ironic how I have more money and need more of it still. Greedy. I know. SO again, forgive me, dreams. I'll get to you one day. I just have to find in me the strength to save for our future. For you. Save, B! FGS!

I'm finally feeling like sleeping and it's like 3:00 and my phone is like almost dead. So, peace. ✌


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