An open letter to you

I don't remember when I learned how to dream but I do remember it was with you. Because of you. It was you who taught me. You were really the one who had dreams, you just let me in on them. You'd have all these plans that were so farfetched it's ridiculous. Go to these places, buy these things. You made them seem so real, like it made sense and not crazy at all. And although I couldn't put a date on how we'd accomplish those things,  I always believed I'd do it with you. Together. I was led to believe it. You led me.

I never lost sight of that dream. I held on to it even though you couldn't. I worked hard for it, God I did. But you've done nothing. What did life do to you? I know it was tough going but we both had the same, right? Was it all it was, farfetched, dreams? Did you suddenly realize it and didn't care to let me know? Coz I never got the memo. I kept going and you just stopped.

But maybe you just had that kind of influence on me and I'm sorry I wasn't the same for you.

It can't be the same now. I know and I'm saddened that I can't do so many things with you. Thank you though for making me believe. I'm a dreamer because you were.

I never told you this but I kinda hate you. I also really, really miss you.


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