on changing my blog name (from fragilegirlguts to stop-think-and-write)

This is something I was supposed to have done a long time ago. It just sort of always slipped from my mind. What triggered me to change it this time? Why I thought about it not thirty minutes ago and didn't slip? As usual, I have no idea. just one of those things that pop up out of the blue, and stays.
like all of a sudden, poooffffttt! one of life's mysteries, huh.. or one of MY mysteries  ;) or maybe my memory is a little bit sharper tonight, that i prefer (as if the possibilities actually depend on what i prefer or don't prefer, ha ha ha).
So I've been wanting to have my blog name changed, but until I hit the keys and typed those words, I honestly was still struggling to think what words best fit me. When I had one, two, three (from FreeWanderer, FreeToWander to God knows what else) all of them were taken, and when I hit "stopandwrite", it successfully changed.. so from there, I improvised until it became what it has become.
sounds perfect to/for me..
I feel very talkative today. God help me!


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