Holla I'm Back!!!

I've been randomly reading my previous posts..to the oldest posts way back in 2008 :D and guess what they seem to sound to me these days, hahahaha! I can't even believe I posted them myself. They sound immature to me now, tactless..but genuine. So it's true, one's perspectives truly change over time. These days though, I've become very choosy with my words. Online activities help me mature enough to figure out posting everything online is wrong since other people- anybody - may be reading what you write and make judgment on you based on what you write which at times could be not proper. But since I'm writing for myself and not for those judgments, because it's what I love doing, that can't stop me. However, there'll be probably some restraints.
(above: I just said that after reading an article about spying online)

I just changed my blog password after forgetting it. I might have changed it in the past without paying much attention, but I successfully changed my password anyway.

To tell you honestly, this blog looks so primitive to me now. How long has it been? since I last wrote? When before I kept on coming back here, now suddenly it looks as if it's something I was fond of doing while I was small, which I can't do now that I've grown up. LoL. Here I am again, proclaiming I am old, while my mother still pinches me on the sides, hehehehe. Well, I guess young people claim to be old these days.

Anyway, so many things happened to me while I was away from here. When before I was extremely crazy about volleyball, now multiply that "extreme" to two, hahahaha just kidding! I've had few online acquaintances online because of the sport. Acquaintances I don't think I will ever meet personally, but acquaintances still. Strange things also occurred. How do you call a circumstance where someone who doesn't know you, and someone you don't know as well, whose gender is also unknown, someone....I don't know how to actually put it in other ways but strange. I am not allowed to write any further detail about it since the person made me promise.. but it's strange, strangely good...(wink)

I'm doing good in school too. More absences and less effort though, but for a mediocre person as I am, my performance is generally good. And hey!, if a were a parent to myself, I would've been proud of having a daughter who has the ability to survive through hardships despite not doing well enough. How? my abilities... hahahaha! sure, I got brains too, at least I think I have :))

I don't have so much to tell you for now actually. I initially intended to be brief but again, once I start writing, it gets hard to stop. Also, I just missed doing it.

But we have thesis to do in the afternoon, I have a birthday celebration to attend to. It's Carlo's 23'd birthday!

off for now... :)


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