better days

really like this week, it's been nice and very good for me!, well you know, I've been doing real good both at home and school. i don't get a lot of arguments with either of my parents these last few days, no nagging coming from mother, either, which is so calming especially when you come from school really tired and annoyed..
Anyway, my English teacher thinks that I am smart, yes I know because she said so, I mean, she writes it as a comment on my journal she asked us to pass every Friday, feels so nice!=) and oh!, we are going to an elementary school tomorrow. we, the whole class of NSTP (National Service Training Program). Not yet to teach but to have a..ahm how do you call it, ah yes! Feeding Program. I'm one of the officers as I said and I should expectedly come others who are not, they can go or not go, they're not at all important (joke!, hehe) I was appointed as a "prompter" for our modeling early next year! so until here!=) kip seyf U! xoxo..


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